
Tuesday, June 21, 2005

The plane ticket thing is getting just plain silly. I can't seem to figure out when I'm supposed to be in London. My ticket is for September 27, but admittedly I picked that date myself and made an educated guess. Some things say that I should be there for registration a week earlier, others that induction doesn't start until the 28th. So I'd be there, just very jetlagged. It is all very confusing and I can't figure things out. For now, I'm just going to wait for the packet that LSE appears to have sent to other people (at least). Hopefully that will come soon and I will have some solid information on hand so that I can make a decision.

I've also changed the template on the blog. Or, really, I've sort of kept the template, but changed all the colors, the picture and the background (which I'm sure is fairly obvious if you're looking at the page). Nevertheless, this seems to be the thing that I do when I get bored and the old template was getting tiresome, especially after I changed the text colors so they no longer matched the little square thingees in the sidebar. Paddington seemed appropriate because I blame part of my comfort with things British on the British kids literature that my parents exposed me to as a child. Plus, I adore Paddington because he makes me laugh so hard (still!). And anytime that I want to go visit Newbury, I have to leave from Paddington station. But, the statue of him there is pretty ugly.

For my favorite Peace Corps voluteer and Baha'i, her roommate and I are going to visit the House of Worship in Chicago this weekend. She's given us a prayer to read and we're going to take pictures of the gardens. If I'm really committed, I could finish JT's graduation present before going to have it be "infused" with Baha'iness. Apparently, the House of Worship in Chicago is the oldest of the Houses of Worship around the world (the first was in Russia and had issues with Communism) and the most holy because the son of Baha'u'llah (Abdu'l Baha) laid the cornerstone himself. (Just so everyone knows, I can speak conversational Baha'i, but I certainly can't spell it.) I think this should be really neat and I just hope it works, so that she is safe during the next 27 months.

Note: it is hard to know how to refer to one's friends on a blog. Are initials and/or nicknames ok? Real names are probably bad, but I'm never sure. Former residents of Bundy 224, this does mostly mean you guys. Let me know.