
Friday, July 15, 2005


Like Kristine, I'm pumped about the new Harry Potter. As we did two years ago, Duchess and I are going to the Border's party. This year has three added bonuses:

1. Us knowing that the numbers start getting handed out at I'm heading up there after work to get ours (let's go for top 50, eh?). I'd love to sleep tonight....

2. The fact that my friend Eli (from Louisville) will be up visiting his girl and we're all having dinner.

3. Now that we've graduated, we actually own our own black robes to wear! (The HS ones were red...'course that doesn't seem to be stopping the little one from using hers for Quidditch robes).

And, work should be very, very quiet next week, so I'll have time to read! Yeah! And we're a week from the start of Irish Fest Tour 2005.